Our Materials
We only use the finest quality materials in our work, sourced from the finest European and Australian Manufacturers. You can click on the logos below to view their websites.

Click below to view the Serge Ferrari Soltis Product Line Brochures
Soltis 86 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Blinds, Awnings, Screens, Shade Sails)
Soltis 92 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Blinds, Awnings, Screens, Shade Sails)
Soltis 93 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Blinds, Awnings, Screens, Shade Sails)
Soltis 96 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Blinds, Awnings, Screens, Shade Sails)
905F3 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Truck Trailers etc.)
Precontraint 502 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Awnings, Blinds, Shade Structures)
Precontraint 702 Opaque Product Line Brochure and Precontraint 702 S2 & T2 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Awnings, Blinds, Shade Structures)
Precontraint 705 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Inflatable Partitions, Tarpaulins, Covers)
Precontraint 802S2 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Membrane Structures, Tarpaulins, Covers)
Precontraint 902S2 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Membrane Structures, Tarpaulins, Covers)
Stam 6002 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Canopies, Pergolas, Small Tents & Structures, Eco-Lodges, Industrial Partitions etc.)
Stam 905 F3 Product Line Brochure
(Suitable for Inflatable Partitions, Tarpaulins, Covers)